Saturday, May 13, 2006


Had a garage sale in late March and sold a lot of our bric brac. One of the ladies who came to the garage sale, came back a few weeks later looking for a coat we had for sale. After selling her the coat we got chatting about our proposed journey. Ended up selling her our house and saved on Real Estate fees! We have sold one of our cars and will sell the other one hopefuly in a few weeks. Still have lots to do around the house cleaning out all the cupboards. Can only take a few possessions with us in the van so there will be another garage sale before we go.

Went away with my Mum to the Orange Textile Forum in May. Spent a night in Sydney and had half a day wandering around Darling Harbour. Spent a week in Orange, very cold but extremely pretty with all the autumn colours in the trees. The forum was a great experience. The second week was spent at Pete (Jude's Brother) and Marlyn's place at Stokers Siding. It is always so peaceful there as the photo shows the early morning mist over the dam.

It was nice to be back in Townsville with Ferg. Only five weeks to go until settlement on the house. After the two weeks away it was hard to get back into work. Decided to bring my finishing date forward and leave work on the 26th May. That way I'll have a couple of weeks before settlement to clear out the house.

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